Fantasy Forge Books   

Fantasy Forge Books


Fantasy Forge Books: Where Epic Adventures Are Born

At Fantasy Forge Books, we believe that fantasy has the power to transport readers to extraordinary worlds filled with magic, mythical creatures, and heroes facing insurmountable odds. We champion authors who weave intricate tales that ignite the imagination.

What We Seek: Fantasy Forge Books looks for manuscripts that possess:

Subgenres We Love: We embrace a wide spectrum of fantasy, including:

The Fantasy Forge Experience: We understand the passion that drives fantasy authors and readers. We offer:

Success Stories: Fantasy Forge Books has helped launch the careers of bestselling fantasy authors whose creations capture readers' hearts.

Submit Your Manuscript: If you have a fantasy epic yearning to be unleashed, we invite you to submit your work. For submission guidelines, please visit our website.

Wyoming Inspiration: While we may not reside in Wyoming, we'd love to read fantasy tales inspired by the state's rugged landscapes and rich folklore. If you'd like to explore Wyoming-based publishers, check out the options listed here.

Let Fantasy Forge Books help you share your extraordinary world with readers! We can't wait to discover the adventures you've imagined.